Special Announcement on Josh's Transition from the Lead Pastorship and Plans for Revolution's Growth
Please don't miss this very special message from Lead Pastor Josh Burnett on friendship, the community of our church, and Revolution's plans for pursuing a new lead pastor following Josh's transition out of that role in order to begin a new ministry. Although we encourage you to listen to this message in its entirety, the discussion of the transition specifically begins at 25:42:00.
If you would like to talk with Josh, Kenny, or any member of our management team about this transition, please let us know by either emailing us directly or by setting up a meeting using the link below. We are eager to talk with you!
Josh Burnett (Lead Pastor) / josh@revolutionannapolis.com
Kenny Camacho (Executive Pastor) / kenny@revolutionannapolis.com
Andy Guzik (Management Team Chair) / asguzik@yahoo.com
Chuck Barton / bartonchuck@gmail.com
John Sagaser / jtfsagaser@gmail.com
Matthew Murphy / themattmurphy@gmail.com
Jon Connelly / jonivy82804@hotmail.com