1.26.20 - Bearing the Responsibility of Stewardship (Ivy Connelly)
SCRIPTURE: Genesis 2:15, Leviticus 25:23-24, Romans 8:18-22
THESIS: It can be a disappointing thing to remember that Adam and Eve had jobs to do in the Garden of Eden; that life the way God intends it to be still includes work! But quite frankly, this is what we are made for: all people are designed for a mission. So, what is our right occupation? According to Scripture, we are tasked with the stewardship of all the earth: we are meant to “care for” and “keep” the natural world (Gen. 2:15), respect God’s ownership of creation (Lev. 25:23), and join the world in hopeful anticipation of God’s redemptive plan not only for people, but for all creation (Rom. 8:18).