1.24.21 - Disciplines We Can Keep & Why We Don't Keep Them (Kenny Camacho)

SCRIPTURE: Daniel 1, Daniel 6, & Luke 2:25-38


  1. When was a time in your life that you have found it easy to wait in hope for something? What was that? Or something that was hard to hope for?

  2. What specific structures/practices do you have in your life to intentionally connect with God and get to know him better?

  3. Do you agree that when we participate in spiritual disciplines, we can persevere in hope more readily? Why do you think this is true (or not)? Can you think of an example from your life? 

  4. Is there a habit you would like to add (or stop) in your life rhythm that would allow you to more easily hold onto hope and see the beauty and truth of Christ? Make a plan to do so and think of someone who you can share your plan with.

Kenny Camacho