11.13.21 - The Echo (Kenny Camacho)

SCRIPTURE: Hebrews 13:1-19

“God is the one who says, ‘I will give up something important to me to show you I’m serious about knowing you.’ He’s the one trying to cross the gap between us...because of course he is! Isn’t that what a God who is more just, more kind, more loving than us would do?”



  1. The “paradox” at the heart of the letter to the Hebrews is that even Israel’s long story needs to be understood as a reflection of what Jesus has done and is still doing in the world. This is a big idea! What questions do you have about it?

  2. Kenny compared this idea to an “echo” or a “quote”: how do the rituals of Judaism “echo” what Jesus has done? 

  3. As someone living 2000 years later (and more than likely not as an Orthodox Jew), does this point have any resonance for you? What does it mean for your faith that Jesus is “the center of the story”? 

  4. Our theme for this year has been “Permission to Hope.” How has that theme resonated with you in 2021? What have you learned about how hope works, or where hope comes from, this year? What still makes having hope difficult?

  5. If our lives are meant to “echo” the life of Jesus, what do we need to know about him? How can we respond to this challenge?

Kenny Camacho