3.21.21 - Psalm 8: What Are We, That You Are Mindful Of Us? (Kenny Camacho)



  1. When have you encountered or experienced the “majesty” of God? How would you describe it? How does it shape or affect you?

  2. What can we learn about God when we consider the psalmist’s question, “what is man, that you are mindful of him”?

  3. How does God exercise “dominion” over us? Over his creation? What do the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus teach us about how God intends for “dominion” to work?

  4. The challenges from this Psalm could be to 1) reach everyone, as God, in his majesty, makes himself known to all of us, 2) accept intimacy with others and with God, as God chooses intimacy with us, and 3) model generosity, as God shares dominion with us and teaches us how to exercise it. That’s a lot to think about it! Talk through these points with each other, and try to identify which ones are most difficult for you...and how you might lean into your community to better reach out, accept intimacy, and model generosity.

Kenny Camacho