9.18.21 - No Perfect People Allowed (Kenny Camacho)

SCRIPTURE: Luke 23:39-43, 1 Timothy 1:12-16

“The story of the Bible begins with a garden that is in perfect balance. Then, the human beings God puts there (the human beings God entrusts with that space!) mess it up. The consequence is that they get kicked out: “no imperfect people allowed.” But every page of the Bible that comes after that is telling a story about God’s plan to bring them back home. Which makes one thing absolutely inescapable for those who set out to obey and follow God: our God loves imperfect people.”


  1. Think back to the time before you either became a Christian or began exploring Christian belief. How did you think about Christian communities or churches? What ‘stereotypes’ came to mind? Which of those would you now say are ‘untrue’? Which ones still hold up?

  2. Have you ever felt like you needed to behave in a particular way in order to ‘fit in’ in a church context? How does this resonate or clash with what you believe about Jesus and His ministry?

  3. What do you think your attitude or behavior communicates to those outside the church about who Jesus is or what the church might be?

  4. The “No Perfect People Allowed” slogan can’t just be about who and how we welcome outsiders...it needs to describe how we behave as insiders, too. Do you sometimes wear a mask in our church community? What steps can you take towards taking that mask off? 

  5. Who are some people in our church community you might be able to trust with this process? Would you feel comfortable reaching out to them?

  6. How can being seen or being known help your faith grow

Kenny Camacho