6.4.22 - The Synchronicity of Grace (Kenny Camacho)
SCRIPTURE: Galatians 1.13-2.21
“The free gift of an intimate relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ draws us closer together. It draws us into harmony, in our hearts and in our actions. And that harmony can be the Church. In fact, it’s meant to be the Church. But this also means the best way of understanding the Church is as a kind-of miracle of grace: it’s what happens when we walk together in the same direction. It’s the community that emerges, just as freely, from our discovery of God’s grace alongside our friends.”
Kenny said that “the Gospel is bigger than the Church.” What do you think he meant by this? Why does Paul (and why do we!) say the Gospel is something we preach instead of something we give or share?
Many of us are wary of the Church. Take some time to talk this through: what makes Church difficult for you? What might make it difficult for others to trust the Church?
After fourteen years of ministry, Paul goes to Jerusalem to share what he has been preaching with the leaders of the first Christian church there. What draws him back to them? What is he hoping will happen?
If the Gospel is true, it will draw us together: this is the “big idea” for tonight. How can this idea challenge you as you take the next steps in your faith? Where (and to whom?) is Jesus leading you?
How can our church better encourage unity among Christians? How can we be part of the solution, when it comes to the fears and anxieties of our neighbors who are skeptical of the Church?
What do you think it means to “live the Gospel”? Why is it impossible to do this alone?