7.23.22 - Here I Raise My Ebenezer (Kenny Camacho)
SCRIPTURE:1 Samuel 7:3-16
“I think we need a telescope. We need to be able to see not just what’s happened lately, but what’s happened ever. We need a vantage point that’s bigger than ourselves…not because we’re small or insignificant, but because we’re a part of an enormous and amazing story.”
What blind spots are created by the Israelites’ tendency to have a “what have you done for me lately?” attitude towards God?
What are the roles of judges in Israelite culture? What are the roles of a priest? How does Samuel exercise both?
What is the ebenezer and what purpose does it serve?
How might an ebenezer be helpful to you in your own life?
What can we learn from this story about who God is?
What can we learn about who we are?
What can we learn about how to live in right relationships with Him, with ourselves, with others, or with Creation?