4.23.23 - Speaking to God (Kenny Camacho)

SCRIPTURE: John 14, Psalm 139, Psalm 69, & Matthew 6:9-13


  1. What role does prayer play in your daily life? Have you ever “cried out” in prayer? 

  2. What do you think it means for the Holy Spirit to intervene in our prayers?

  3. How can incorporating structured prayers, like the Lord's Prayer, help you grow spiritually? How might you create a consistent habit of praying the Lord's Prayer to enhance your spiritual growth and connection with God?

  4. Why is it important to be part of a faithful community and engage in communal prayer? In what ways can you actively participate in and contribute to a faithful community that encourages spiritual growth?

  5. How does aligning our prayers with God's will and character help us in our discipleship process?

  6. How can regularly confessing our sins and asking for forgiveness in prayer help in our transformation into better versions of ourselves?

  7. How do spiritual disciplines, like prayer, study, stewardship, and service, work together to help us grow in our discipleship? What are some examples of how you've seen these spiritual disciplines work together in your own life or the lives of others to aid in discipleship and spiritual growth?

Kenny Camacho