9.3.23 - I Believe in the Holy, Catholic Church... (Kenny Camacho)

SCRIPTURE: 1 Peter 2, Hebrews 12


  1. Does the word “catholic” freak you out a bit? That’s okay!

  2. What are some practical ways we can cultivate unity and cooperation within the Church and our local faith communities?

  3. In what areas can you personally contribute to building unity within your faith community?

  4. 1 Peter 2:5 compares the Church to a spiritual house and encourages believers to offer sacrifices acceptable to God. What might these sacrifices look like?

  5. What does it mean for the Church to be 'catholic' or 'universal'?

  6. How can we better appreciate and embrace the diversity within the universal Church?

  7. In what ways is the Church called to be holy? Consider the definition from this morning: “as of God, set apart.” How can we individually and collectively contribute to the ‘holiness’ of the Church?

  8. What role do 'saints' play in the life of the Church? How can reflecting on the lives and sacrifices of the saints influence our own faith?

Kenny Camacho