10.13.24 - Persecution and the Good Life (Kenny Camacho)

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 5:10 & Acts 6-7



  1. How does the concept of the 'good life' differ between our culture and the teachings of Jesus?

  2. Kenny said the Desert Fathers and Mothers “fear safety more than persecution.” What do you think this means? Have you ever felt this way?

  3. What do you think it means to be 'persecuted for righteousness’s sake'?

  4. Can you think of a time when you stood up for something you believed in, even if it was hard? How did that experience shape your understanding of righteousness?

  5. Kenny said the Pilgrims sought persecution by running away from their neighbors. What mistake was embedded in this decision? Can you relate to this situation?

  6. In the final “skip,” Kenny talked about a moment when he imagined persecution as a middle schooler. What mistake was embedded in this attitude? Can you relate to this situation?

  7. In the end, persecution isn’t something you should seek out or something you should run from… because it isn’t really supposed to be about you. What do you think of this idea? How might it apply to your current situation?

  8. When we follow Jesus’s example–caring for outcasts by stepping in to their situations–persecution can happen… but we don’t need to fear it. Who can you care for and support in this season? Where can you show courage by choosing to model Kingdom values over the values of our world?

Kenny Camacho