7.28.24 - The Not-So-Good Rise, Reign, and Fall of Solomon (Paul McGrew)


  1. What are some stories from Scripture that you would rather not read? Are there some specific ones that seem troubling to you?

  2. Why do you think Solomon’s early dedication to God changed as he grew in power and wealth? Are there areas in your life where you feel your priorities have shifted, and how can you refocus on your relationship with God?

  3. What does the story of Solomon teach us about the consequences of unwise choices, even for successful individuals?

  4. How does Solomon's story demonstrate the importance of being aware of our own limitations and inadequacies?

  5. What can we learn from Solomon's prayer during the temple dedication (1 Kings 8), despite his actions not aligning with his words? Do your actions align with your faith and devotion to God? Are there areas of your life where you need to more closely align your actions with your beliefs?

  6. In light of Solomon's story, how can we better understand and appreciate God's faithfulness and the new covenant through Jesus Christ?

Kenny Camacho