The Loop / August 16, 2022


Catch Up with the Current Series:

Weekly Announcements:


On August 21, we will begin gathering at the Classic Theatre of Maryland (1804 West St) for Sunday Services at 10am. We really hope you will make a plan to join us…and to step in and help! On that note, there are two opportunities this week for lending a hand:

First, volunteers will be gathering this Tuesday night at 6pm at Heritage to pull out our trailers, re-organize our bins, and move our equipment out of Heritage’s space. If you’ve ever been curious about our systems as a mobile church, or if you just have some extra time and are willing to drop by, we can use you!

Second, the Classic Theatre of Maryland is allowing us early access to the space on Saturday morning to give us extra time to set up for our first service. We are grateful for this kindness, and we hope it helps ensure that Sunday goes smoothly! Kenny is planning to have the trailer pulled up outside the new space shortly after 10am, and you’re invited to help us put things together!

It’s going to be a busy week this week… but we are truly looking forward to this chance to return, together, to a time and location that gives us the best chance to invite our neighbors to experience our faith with us.


Want to make sure you never miss an announcement? Make sure to follow Revolution on Facebook and Instagram (@revolutionannapolis)!


Did you know we have a weekly, online-based Bible study group here at Revolution? If you’ve never check it out, you should! They are about to start a new study on Mondays from 8-9pm over Zoom on the letters of 1, 2, & 3 John. Dante Griffin will be leading, and you would be more than welcome! You can get the login info from Dante ( or Jon Connelly (


Do you have questions? Doubts? Would you just like to talk through things with someone? Kenny is always up for a coffee or lunch! Send him an email ( or text (803.727.8500) any time.


As we head into this new season at Revolution, we want to make the most of who God has made you to be in our community. What are your gifts? What needs in our community weigh most heavily on your heart? Where are your passions, both as a member of this church and as a neighbor and citizen? Is there a particular kind of small group you would love to see Revolution offer? Is there a ministry you would like to see us start… or jump into? We would like to invite you to pray with us for the next few weeks: ask God, “what needs to change in Annapolis, and what can I do to help?” You can share what you discover with a friend, with your small group, with Kenny, or with one of the Revolution Lay Leaders (Andy Guzik, Maggie Young, Liz Wheeler, & Matt Shacka). Our desire as a church is for our ministries and projects to rise out of the passions and gifts God has already given us. Help us set the course for the year ahead!


As we continue to reconnect as a church family in a “post-pandemic” world, it is incredibly important that we pray for one another. Prayer is a key part of our ministry: it trains us to listen to one another with compassion, disciplines us to release our stress and anxiety to God, and helps keep us centered on the work of the Holy Spirit in the world. It also works miracles! If you need prayer, please reach out to Kenny at or to our prayer team through And if you would like guidance on how to pray, you can reach out to Kenny, too, and he can help connect you to that team! No matter what, we can all make praying for the people of this church a part of our daily or weekly rhythm: ask God to reveal His character to us, to meet our emotional, physical, and spiritual needs, and to help us to see and treat one another as He sees and treats us. Your prayers make a difference!



Looking for ways to love our neighbors? There are several things going on right now that you can be a part of!

COMMUNITY PANTRY AT THE MALL: During the pandemic, the folks at the “Discoveries” Westfield Mall branch of the library launched a community pantry at their location. It has been a big success…and this week, as they celebrate their first year, they are asking folks to help them stock up for the rest of the summer and fall! They’ve put together a wishlist over on Amazon–give it a look, pick some things out, and let’s take this easy and practical step to provide for our people in our community!

WATER FOR THE LIGHTHOUSE: Lighthouse Shelter continues to seek bottled water for quick distribution to our neighbors experiencing homelessness during this all-too-hot summer. Drop off a case at their location at 10 Hudson St, or you can bring a case to service on Saturday and we will take it over next week for you!

There are few instructions repeated more often in the Bible than to love your neighbors...and these are just a few ways you can do just that! If you know of any more needs, just let Kenny know at, and we will keep updating this post in the weeks ahead!


At Revolution, we believe that our church needs to be a witness to God’s bottomless love and an example of what it means to wrestle and grow with our faith together. Following Jesus isn’t easy! But even in our doubts, if we take the things we are struggling to believe and put them into practice together, we learn to ask better questions and live in ways that are more beneficial for others.

If you want to join us in this mission, you can be a part in a few different ways:

First, you can commit to presence: it is our sincere hope as a church that you find real purpose and meaning in being a part of our services and groups at Revolution. They exist for you! But have you ever thought about what you have to offer those gatherings in return? Your unique perspective, hopes, experiences, and struggles are part of the bigger story of our church. You have an important part to play here, and that part begins by making faithful presence a priority!

Second, you can commit to generosity: we want to imitate God’s generosity by looking for ways we can share what we have been given with others to bring hope, justice, and safety to our neighbors. One way you can practice that generosity is by supporting our ministry here at Revolution financially: we are a non-profit organization committed to maintaining a Christian ministry in Annapolis, forgiving the debts of our neighbors, and financially supporting both church plants and existing churches in our area. Your gifts help keep this commitment going! But we also want to make sure you know that giving is important no matter where you do it: find a non-profit, charity, or aid organization whose cause you support and make a plan to be faithful and generous towards them! God can do more with our resources than we can… and giving is one of the practical ways we put our trust in what He can do.

Third, you can commit to service: here at Revolution, we are in need of all sorts of volunteers to keep our ministry going. This is particularly true as we continue to “emerge” from the pandemic! If you are available to help out on any of our Saturday evening teams, or with any of our groups or other outreach ministries during the week, we need you! This is a great way to contribute to the church… and to make new friends. But the city of Annapolis needs help, too! If you are able, make time in your week to participate in a routine act of service for our community. There are multiple food pantries we support, all of whom need help, as well as opportunities to work with kids in need of tutoring, care for unhoused residents in our city who need assistance, and serve as an advocate for a variety of justice-seeking non-profits working to make Annapolis a more equitable place to live. For help a place to serve, just talk with Kenny ( or our Community Engagement Lay Leader, Liz Wheeler (

Find Community:

Kenny Camacho