The Loop / February 6, 2024


Catch Up with the Current series:

This Week’s Announcements:


This March 1-3, Revolution will be holding our first Men’s Retreat since the pandemic! We’ll be heading to West River Camp near Edgewater, and it’s an awesome facility. We’re super excited, and if you’re a guy at Revolution, we really hope you will make attending the retreat a priority. These events are the best ways to make new friends, get involved, and connect with the church community in a stronger and deeper way than is possible on Sunday mornings. The cost of this year’s retreat is $135 for the weekend, which includes lodging on Friday and Saturday nights, along with 3 meals on Saturday and 1 meal on Sunday. If cost is an obstacle for you, please let us know by emailing Kenny at–our highest priority is that everyone who would like to attend the retreat can be there! If you would like to go ahead and register, you can find the link HERE!


Fred and Cathy Miller are the amazing volunteers who make sure our coffee table each Sunday has fresh brew and hot cocoa available for all who want it. They are friendly and inviting folks, and they make sure Revolution continues to be a place where everyone can feel welcome and comfortable. But they need help! The Millers have some travel dates coming up in the future, and they need to add a few more folks to their team to help make sure every shift is covered. The serving commitment is once monthly, and if you’ve never been on the “coffee team” before… well, it’s a great way to meet new people! If you can help out, please send Cathy an email at: She would love to hear from you!


It’s hard to believe, but this coming Wednesday kicks off the season of Lent in the Christian calendar. If you would like to receive the imposition of ashes on your forehead as a ceremonial reminder of our common mortality this year, the practice will be observed in a multi-church service Wednesday evening at 7pm at Calvary United Methodist Church on Rowe Blvd. Revolution is a partnering church for this event, and we are honored to be able to participate alongside our brothers and sisters from other Christian denominations. Ash Wednesday can be a meaningful way to remember the starting point of the Jesus story: our God sent His Son to become flesh and live among us… and that included accepting all the frailties of human life. Easter is certainly coming! But there is a weight to the Christian story that is important to remember.

If you would like to receive the imposition of ashes earlier in the day, there will be another service at Calvary beginning Wednesday at noon. You can also message Kenny, who would be happy to participate with you in this practice!


Our friends at Heritage Baptist Church are hosting their annual “Soup-er Bowl” fundraiser for the Light House this coming Sunday. Throw on your favorite football jersey and join them for fantastic soups for a great cause! The event will run from 11:30am-1:30pm at their campus on 1740 Forest Drive. Read more, and sign up to volunteer, at:


Another one of our partner churches–College Creek Church–is hosting a watch-party for this year’s Super Bowl next Sunday at their outreach location in the Clay Street corridor, “The Haven.” The doors are open to all, so if you’re looking for a place to watch the game, meet new folks, and serve our neighbors, feel free to drop in and visit with them! The shindig will start at 6pm at 36 Clay Street. Bring a snack to share!


We believe that the first step of a real, committed relationship with God is making the decision to be baptized. When we are baptized, we are acknowledging the reality of our sins and the pain they have led us to, and then trusting in Jesus to renew our life and offer us living hope. This is an opportunity that is open to everyone who wants to pursue Christian faith, and when someone in our community decides to be baptized, it is cause for celebration! If you have questions about baptism, or if you would like to talk to about a desire to be baptized, you can reach out to Kenny any time at or by calling/texting 803.727.8500. Sending a message isn’t a commitment on your part to be baptized! But it is a commitment on our part to meet with you to answer your questions.


Introducing “S.A.L.T.”: Seeking and Learning Together. This is the name of a new home group led by John/Deb Becker and Paul/Carol Heagen. It will begin on February 1 with meetings starting at 7:00. Just as the name suggests, the group’s focus will be seeking and exploring God’s Word to shape our lives around its truths, learn more about each other, and build deeper relationships. Discussions will be rooted in a variety of sources, including the messages on Sundays, favorite podcasts, articles, Scripture, and even key questions or topics the group comes up with together. SALT intends to have most meetings in person, and the first meeting will be THIS THURSDAY NIGHT at Paul and Carol’s house (1616 Ruxton Rd / Londontowne). Please note that this group is not able to provide childcare; if that is not an obstacle–and you’re looking to expand your relationships at Revolution and explore how to put your faith into action–please contact Paul or Carol at 859 802-4291 or John and Deb at 703 424 6870.


Do you find knitting fun, rewarding, and relaxing? Kat Mahone does! She is interested in starting a knitting/crocheting group for anyone who might be interested here at Revolution. It would include meeting up on a regular basis to knit together, talk together, and practice new skills. If you might be interested, take a moment today to reach out to Kat at and let her know! The first gathering will be Friday, February 23 from 7:30-9–make sure to email Kat for details!


Are you looking for a small group where followers of Jesus can ENGAGE with each other, with the church, with the local community…and even the world at large? Fred and Cathy Miller, along with Carol Brooks, have kicked off a new small group called ENGAGE which meets on Wednesday nights at 7:30 pm over Zoom. This is a perfect opportunity for people of all ages (even parents who can put their kids in bed!) to join! The upcoming study and discussion topics for winter/spring months are:

February 7-March 13th: “Be the Bridge: Pursuing God’s Heart for Racial Reconciliation” by Latasha Morrison. We will actually listen to the 15 minute teaching lesson as a group and then discuss it together. No prep work required.

March 20th - May 8th: Season 4 of “The Chosen”. The Chosen is a free, inspirational, 8 episode TV series on the life of Jesus and his disciples.

May 15-June 12th: “The After Party” a curriculum about how we as Christians can engage in the political process. ·

Fellowship Time is in person for the entire group about once a month, usually after church on Sunday. This is typically a potluck and games for those who wish to participate. Service Projects are also sprinkled throughout the year, and we will choose as a group from projects supported by Revolution, or projects proposed by group members. For more information or to sign up, contact Carol at 301-518-0759 or Cathy at 717-602-6917 /


On the weekend of March 1-3, we won’t be having a Sunday church service… but there will be a chance for the women of Revolution to hang out! Emily Heller is hosting a potluck lunch at 11am that Sunday, March 3, for all women who want to stop by. For details (and Emily’s address), please get in touch with our Church Life Lay Leader, Maggie Young, at


Do you have questions? Doubts? Would you just like to talk through things with someone? Kenny is also always up for that, too! Just send him an email ( or text (803.727.8500).


At Revolution, we believe that our church needs to be a witness to God’s bottomless love and an example of what it means to wrestle and grow with our faith together. Following Jesus isn’t easy! But even in our doubts, if we take the things we are struggling to believe and put them into practice together, we learn to ask better questions and live in ways that are more beneficial for others.

If you want to join us in this mission, you can be a part in a few different ways:

First, you can commit to presence: it is our sincere hope as a church that you find real purpose and meaning in being a part of our services and groups at Revolution. They exist for you! But have you ever thought about what you have to offer those gatherings in return? Your unique perspective, hopes, experiences, and struggles are part of the bigger story of our church. You have an important part to play here, and that part begins by making faithful presence a priority!

Second, you can commit to generosity: we want to imitate God’s generosity by looking for ways we can share what we have been given with others to bring hope, justice, and safety to our neighbors. One way you can practice that generosity is by supporting our ministry here at Revolution financially: we are a non-profit organization committed to maintaining a Christian ministry in Annapolis, forgiving the debts of our neighbors, and financially supporting both church plants and existing churches in our area. Your gifts help keep this commitment going! But we also want to make sure you know that giving is important no matter where you do it: find a non-profit, charity, or aid organization whose cause you support and make a plan to be faithful and generous towards them! God can do more with our resources than we can… and giving is one of the practical ways we put our trust in what He can do.

Third, you can commit to service: here at Revolution, we are in need of all sorts of volunteers to keep our ministry going. If you are available to help out on any of our Sunday morning teams, or with any of our groups or other outreach ministries during the week, we need you! This is a great way to contribute to the church… and to make new friends.

The city of Annapolis needs help, too! If you are able, make time in your week to participate in a routine act of service for our community. There are multiple food pantries we support, all of whom need help, as well as opportunities to work with kids in need of tutoring, care for unhoused residents in our city who need assistance, and serve as an advocate for a variety of justice-seeking non-profits working to make Annapolis a more equitable place to live. For help a place to serve, just talk with Kenny ( or our Community Engagement Lay Leader, Liz Wheeler (


Want to make sure you never miss an announcement? Make sure to follow Revolution on Facebook and Instagram (@revolutionannapolis)!

More Ways to Connect & Support:

Kenny Camacho