12.22.19 - The Proof of Restoration (Clare B.)

SCRIPTURE (from the Revised Common Lectionary): Psalm 80; Romans 1:1-7; Isaiah 7:10-16

The prophetic writings of the Old Testament, and even Jesus himself, make it clear that death will be a part of the Messiah’s story. This can feel paradoxical at best or even cruel at worst: why does God allow his son to suffer? But the most important part of what the Messiah is here to accomplish isn’t just the forgiveness of sins, which is something Jesus accomplishes on the cross, it is the work of real restoration. Jesus’s resurrection from the dead proves that even things that seem utterly broken can be mended by God. The Messiah needs to show us a way forward, too...and by defeating death, Jesus gives us real reason to hope that the Kingdom of God is coming, and a day will come when all things are restored to God’s original intent for them.

Kenny Camacho