4.26.20 - The Joy of Celebrating One Another (Kenny Camacho)
SCRIPTURE: Philippians 2:12-30
Immediately after the “Christ poem” in Philippians 2:5-11, Paul tells two quick stories of Timothy and Epaphroditus, both of whom follow Jesus’s example by serving Paul and the Philippians. Paul encourages the Philippians to celebrate their acts of service…which leads us to consider: is it possible that joy comes from celebrating others, over seeking accolades for ourselves?
Kenny argues that Sunday morning services are always, in at least some small way, events of celebration. Is this your experience? What do you think he might be trying to say?
A big part of what Paul is communicating in chapter 2 of Philippians is that when we imitate Jesus, we are at the same time acting in a way that satisfies us and gives God glory. This is a complicated idea, so take some time to think/talk it through: does Jesus’s way of life actually resonate with you, on a deep level? How might any of this “glorify” God?
Look at Philippians 2:12-18 again. What do you think it means to “work out salvation with fear and trembling”? Why is Paul saying the Philippians should rejoice with him?
What is your personal response to Paul’s words here about Timothy and Epaphroditus?
What or who can you be celebrating right now? How can you put this into practice in this time when we can’t gather together in person?