5.3.20 - The Joy of Surrendering Our Self-Righteousness (Matt Murphy)
SCRIPTURE: Philippians 3:1-4:1
In Philippians 3:5-6, Paul presents a resume of his status and achievements that he could use to earn God’s approval. Do you ever find yourself presenting a similar resume to God in prayer? Do you ever find yourself thinking you are better than others because you pray more, or study the Bible more than others? Or, do you ever feel unworthy of God’s love because Christians around you seem so much more righteous?
What would it take for us to consider everything loss, or excrement, in comparison to knowing Christ? Would we be willing to give up everything in order to follow Jesus, if He asked us to?
During his Sunday morning messages over the years, Kenny often talks about us being God’s beloved, of being made in God’s image. How can that concept free us from the dangers of self-righteousness or a lack of self-worth?
If the power of Christ’s resurrection enables us to live a new life, as Paul says it can, how can we go about knowing the power of that resurrection in our lives? How can we make use of our time during the Covid-19 stay in place order, to better know the power of the resurrection?