4.17.21 - On Anger (Kenny Camacho)
SCRIPTURE: Genesis 4:1-15
The big idea this week is that anger isn’t the problem; arrogance is. What are your thoughts on this statement?
Do you feel that anger is either good or bad? How do you experience anger in your own life?
Kenny said that Cain’s anger (the first anger in the Bible!) caused his “face to fall.” What do you think the significance of this is? Fall from where?
Cain’s anger also leads to his famous retort, “am I my brother’s keeper?” What does this reveal about Cain? About his priority in this moment? How are we also guilty of using this question to avoid our responsibilities in the world?
What can we learn from God’s anger in this story? What does he do/what doesn’t he do here?
How can we be more “long-nosed” with our own anger? What can we do to avoid what is dangerous in it and honor what is good in it?
Where should we be angry as we look at the world today? What is the God-like way to deal with that anger?